Extended abstracts
Eli Bagno, David Garber, Toufik Mansour and Robert Shwartz:
Recursions for Excedance number in colored permutation groups
Jean-Luc Baril and Armen Petrossian:
Equivalence classes of permutations modulo descents and left-to-right maxima
Marilena Barnabei, Flavio Bonetti, Sergi Elizalde, Matteo Silimbani:
Major index on 321-avoiding involutions and hook decompositions of partitions
Antonio Bernini and Luca Ferrari:
On the Möbius function of the quasi-consecutive pattern poset
Anton Betten:
Group Actions on Semilattices
S. Bilotta, E. Pergola, R. Pinzani and S. Rinaldi:
A positivity condition for C-infinite recurrences
Alexandre Blondin Massé, Alain Goupil and Mélodie Lapointe:
Tree and Snake Polyominoes of Maximal Area
Olivier Bodini, Antoine Genitrini and Nicolas Rolin:
Pointed versus Singular Boltzmann Samplers
Olivier Bodini, Alice Jacquot:
Random Sampling of Balanced Words on 2n Letters
Srecko Brlek, Michel Koskas and Renzo Pinzani:
On the random generation of convex polyominoes
Stefano Brocchi, Giusi Castiglione and Paolo Massazza:
On the Exhaustive Generation of k-Convex Polyominoes
Niccolò Castronuovo:
A partial order relation over the set of permutations avoiding the pattern k k – 1 … 3 2 1
Marcel Celaya and Frank Ruskey:
A morphological analysis of vileness
Pietro Codara, Ottavio M. D’Antona, and Marco Genuzio:
Eulerian digraphs and Dyck words, a bijection
Alejandro Erickson and Frank Ruskey:
Generating Tatami coverings efficiently
Veronika Irvine and Frank Ruskey:
Motzkin Paths with Vertical Edges
Andreas Kyriakoussis and Malvina Vamvakari:
A q-Poisson Process Approximated by a Stieltjes-Wigert Process
Ljuben Mutafchiev:
Sampling Parts of Random Integer Partitions: A Probabilistic and Asymptotic Analysis
Yuval Roichman:
Flip graphs